
Live with Vanilla

Live with Vanilla

Vanilla is one of the most popular and most expensive flavorings in the world.

It’s not just for baking either—vanilla is also used to add a unique taste to desserts, candy, and even drinks. And it’s easy to see why: vanilla has a deep, rich aroma that reminds you of warm brownies fresh from the oven.

But what do you do with vanilla pods once your dessert has been made? You probably don’t want to toss them out, but you might not know what else to do with them. Luckily for you, we’ve got some ideas!

Vanilla pods are a delicious, intoxicating treat that can add a lot of flavor to your food. They’re also a bit of a pain to deal with because they’re fragile and they have to be used in time. If you don’t know what to do with them, here’s some information on how to use vanilla pods, as well as some ideas for what to do with the byproducts.

Vanilla byproducts include vanilla beans (which you can use as you would use normal beans), vanilla powder (which can be used in baking and ice cream making), and vanilla extract (which is great for flavoring everything from cookies to coffee).

To use your vanilla pods: slice the bean lengthwise down its center, then split it open so that the pod is flat. You now have two halves—one of which will have seeds in it, and one of which will not. If you want seeds on your food, then scrape out the seeds from both sides and discard them; if not, just use one half of the bean without seeds! To add flavor to your food without adding seeds, simply sprinkle some vanilla powder onto it before serving.

When storing your pods or beans after use, keep them wrapped up tightly in plastic wrap so


1. Make Vanilla Extract – Did you know that there are many different types of vanilla extract? If you have a few extra vanilla pods on hand, try making your own extract at home read our blog post at on how to make home made vanilla extract

2. Add Them to Your Coffee – Add a couple of dried or whole vanilla beans into your coffee grounds before brewing for an extra shot of flavor! You can also use the beans directly in your coffee mug as long as they’re dry; just add hot water and let them steep2. Create a homemade perfume by mixing together ground vanilla beans, coffee grounds, and cocoa powder and letting it sit for about a month before applying to skin daily for a natural fragrance boost!

3. Add crushed up vanilla beans to bath water for an aromatic soak that’s sure to relax you after a long day at work!

4. Make vanilla sugar!

This is one of my favorite ways to use up empty vanilla pods. You can make vanilla sugar by placing the pods in a jar or container filled with granulated sugar and shaking it until the sugar becomes fragrant. Then use it just like regular sugar in any recipe where you’d normally use white or brown sugar. The result will be a little more subtle than if you used regular vanilla extract, but the flavor will still shine through and make your food taste amazing!


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